What We Do To Achieve Equity In Education
At Early Steps, we are creating a tapestry of diversity in New York City independent schools. Since 1986, we’ve been working with families of children of color who are applying for kindergarten or 1st grade. We provide support and advocacy services designed to facilitate access into New York City independent schools for these children. Today, more than ever, getting into independent schools is time consuming and competitive – and tuition costs are sky rocketing. We work hard to make sure that we continue to provide children of color access and opportunity. Early Steps is a membership organization. Half of our budget is derived from member school dues while foundations and individuals who believe in our work support the other half. This support allows Early Steps to offer free services to our families.
The Early Steps program was created in response to the needs of both schools and families. Independent schools want to increase their diversity while parents of children of color seeking a quality education for their children want guidance and support through the application process. EARLY STEPS is a resource for both.