Welcome to the first phase of your search for the best possible education for your child. The Early Steps staff looks forward to being your guide on this journey to an independent school education. The independent school admission process has many layers and deadlines, however, have no fear, we are here for you every step of the way. It is our goal to organize the many steps of this process into manageable segments which will allow you to move from level to level with as little stress as possible. Families applying for more than one child must submit an individual application for EACH child. Questions about your application should be submitted to:
Please read these instructions BEFORE you begin to complete the application form. It is important to know that you cannot save your progress in this document which means you will lose your data if you close the page before submitting. Your information will remain in the document as long as you do not close the page. You will need to dedicate approximately 30 minutes to complete this form.
Before you begin to work on the application you should gather the following documents that are required to complete this registration form:

Families NOT applying for financial will need to submit:
  • a copy of your child’s birth certificate or a copy of the name pages of your child’s passport
  • a photo that includes all of the members of the family that live together in the same household
Families applying for financial will need to submit:
  • a copy of your child’s birth certificate or a copy of the name pages of your child’s passport
  • a photo that includes all of the members of the family that live together in the same household
  • 2020 Federal Tax Return for all living parents
  • 2020 W2s for all living parents
  • 2 recent paystubs for all living parents
  • 2021 Federal Tax Return for all living parents 
  • 2021 W2s for all living parents
  • Household Budget which you will receive via email from the Early Steps team once you complete and submit this application. Parents living in the same household will submit a joint budget. Parents living in separate households will need to complete a separate budget for each household.
Please begin phase 1 of the Early Steps 2023 Kindergarten and First Grade (registration) Application process by completing the form below.

How did you learn about Early Steps?
What grade are you applying for? *
Child's birth date *
Choose Date
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
Early Steps mission is to increase racial diversity in NYC independent schools. 
Please indicate how you racially identify your child.
Race *

Applicant child information:

Applicant child's first name *
Applicant child's middle name
Applicant child's last name *
Applicant child's nickname
Applicant Child's Gender *
School your child currently attends
Will your child attend the same school in September 2022?
If not, which school will they attend?

Parent/Guardian Information (who will be the Early Steps contact)

Parent/Guardian #1:

First Name
Last Name
Birth Date *
Choose Date
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
Gender *
E-mail Address *
Phone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
NYC Borough or Other Locale *
Is Parent/Guardian #1 currently employed?
If not employed, please explain

If Parent/Guardian #1 is currently employed, please complete the following:
Work Zip Code
Job Title
Is Parent/Guardian #1 currently self employed?
Work Phone
If parent/guardian #1 has more than one job, list additional job(s) here

If the student has a second parent/guardian who resides in the same household as Parent/Guardian #1, please complete the following.

Parent/Guardian #2/or Step Parent:

First Name and Last Name
Birth Date
Choose Date
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
E-mail Address
Phone #
Is Parent/Guardian #2 currently employed?

If Parent/Guardian #2 is currently employed, please complete the following:
Work Zip Code
Job Title
Is Parent/Guardian #2 currently self employed?
Work phone
If parent/guardian #2 has more than one job, list additional job(s) here

If the student has another living biological or legal (adoptive) parent who is NOT listed as Parent/Guardian #1 or #2 (non-custodial parent), please complete the following.

Relationship between Parent/Guardian #1 or #2 and the non-custodial parent?
First Name and Last Name
Birth Date
Choose Date
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
Street Address
Zip Code
NYC Borough or Other Locale
E-mail Address
Phone #
Is non-custodial parent currently employed?

If non-custodial parent is currently employed, please complete the following:
Work Zip Code
Job Title
Is non-custodial Parent/Guardian currently self employed?
Work phone
If non-custodial parent has more than one job, list additional job(s) here

Sibling information:

Sibling 1's first name
Sibling 1's last name
Sibling 1's birth date
Choose Date
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
Sibling 1's school
Did you apply with Early Steps?
Sibling 1's current grade
Sibling 1's gender

Sibling 2's first name
Sibling 2's last name
Sibling 2's birth date
Choose Date
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
Sibling 2's school
Did you apply with Early Steps?
Sibling 2's current grade
Sibling 2's gender

Sibling 3's first name
Sibling 3's last name
Sibling 3's birth date
Choose Date
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
Sibling 3's school
Did you apply with Early Steps?
Sibling 3's current grade
Sibling 3's gender

If you are NOT applying for financial aid, you must send an email to with the following documents. The subject line should read your child’s first and last name and the grade you are applying for. All documents should be attached using .ZIP file.

  1. a copy of your child’s birth certificate or a copy of the name pages of your child’s passport
  2. a photo that includes all of the members of the family that live together in the same household
How to create a Zip file on Mac or PC:
  • Have the files in one folder: drag and drop the files in one location.
  • Right-click on the folder with the files to be zipped. You can also control-click to open your contextual menu.
  • Click on "compress the folder".
You MUST agree to the following Consent Statement.

The following are agreements between EARLY STEPS and the parent(s) of the above applicant:

  • Confidential School Report – This is a confidential document shared between educational institutions and it will be sent directly to EARLY STEPS by my child’s current teacher.  It is not shared with parents now or in the future.  Additionally, EARLY STEPS may also contact my child’s school and current teacher directly.
  • EARLY STEPS has permission to request future teacher/school reports from the independent school in which my child enrolls (when appropriate).

Furthermore, I understand that applying to schools with the support of EARLY STEPS does not guarantee admission to any member school.  Each member school makes its own decisions regarding admissions and financial aid according to its own existing policies and procedures.

I agree to supply complete and accurate information to EARLY STEPS and its member schools.  I understand that failure to do so could result in EARLY STEPS withdrawing its support of my family’s applications.

I have read the consent statement above and understand and agree to it in its entirety

If you ARE applying for financial aid, you must send an email to with the following documents. The subject line should read your child’s first and last name and the grade you are applying for. All documents should be attached using .ZIP file. (Instructions on how to create the zip file can be found below the document list.)

1. Child's birth certificate or a copy of the name pages of your child's passport
2.  Photo of family members who live together in the same household
3. 2020 federal tax return for parent/guardian #1
4. 2020 federal tax return for parent/guardian #2
5. 2020 federal tax return for non-custodial parent/guardian
6. 2021 federal tax return for parent/guardian #1
7. 2021 federal tax return for parent/guardian #2
8. 2021 federal tax return for non-custodial parent/guardian
9. 2020 W2 for parent/guardian #1
10. 2020 W2 for parent/guardian #2
11. 2020 W2 for non-custodial parent/guardian
12. 2021 W2 for parent/guardian #1
13. 2021 W2 for parent/guardian #2
14. 2021 W2 for non-custodial parent/guardian
15. Recent pay stub #1 for parent/guardian #1
16. Recent pay stub #1 for parent/guardian #2
17. Recent pay stub #1 for non-custodial parent/guardian
18. Recent pay stub #2 for parent/guardian #1
19. Recent pay stub #2 for parent/guardian #2
20. Recent pay stub #2 for non-custodial parent/guardian

How to create a Zip file on Mac or PC:
  • Have the files in one folder: drag and drop the files in one location.
  • Right-click on the folder with the files to be zipped. You can also control-click to open your contextual menu.
  • Click on "compress the folder".

If you ARE applying for financial aid, you MUST agree to the following Consent Statement.

The following are agreements between EARLY STEPS and the parent(s) of the above applicant:

  • Confidential School Report – This is a confidential document shared between educational institutions and it will be sent directly to EARLY STEPS by my child’s current teacher.  It is not shared with parents now or in the future.  Additionally, EARLY STEPS may also contact my child’s school and current teacher directly.
  • EARLY STEPS has permission to request future teacher/school reports from the independent school in which my child enrolls (when appropriate).
  • It is my/our responsibility to give EARLY STEPS access to my/our Parents’ Financial Statement and TADS Report (SSS,TADS).
  • If necessary, I give EARLY STEPS permission to request ongoing financial aid data.
Furthermore, I understand that applying to schools with the support of EARLY STEPS does not guarantee admission to any member school.  Each member school makes its own decisions regarding admissions and financial aid according to its own existing policies and procedures.

I agree to supply complete and accurate information to EARLY STEPS and its member schools.  I understand that failure to do so could result in EARLY STEPS withdrawing its support of my family’s applications.

I have read the consent statement above and understand and agree to it in its entirety

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