Applicant Family Registration

Welcome applicant families and thank you for calling EARLY STEPS to begin the registration process.  To complete this process, please fill out the EARLY STEPS Applicant Family Registration form below.

Applicant Family Registration Form
Child’s First Name *
Your Child’s First Name
Child’s Last Name *
Your Child’s Last Name
Child's Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) *
Gender *
Applying for Grade *
Current School *
Name your Current School
Parent First Name *
First name of Parent
Parent Last Name *
Last Name of Parent
Street Address *
Your Home Address Street #
Borough *
Your Borough
City *
Your City
State *
Your State
Zip Code *
Your Postal Code
Home Phone # *
Your Home Telephone
Work Phone # *
Your Work Telephone
Mobile Phone # *
Your Mobile or Cell Telephone
Preferred E-mail Address *
The E-mail address, where you want us to contact you.

Data will be submitted over a secure link.

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* Indicates a required field